by Andrew Trendell Staff | Photos by Wenn

Tags: Ghostpoet 

Ghostpoet: 'People are going through hard times - I wanted to get back to that'

We talk to the Mercury nominee about honesty, society and his next album


"I wanted to talk about the world outside my vicinity again," Ghostpoet tells Gigwise at the Mercury Prize, where he's nominated for his brilliant 2015 album, Shedding Skin. "I guess with the second one it was a bit more introspective. With this one I wanted to talk about what people were going through now. People are going through hard times - I thought it was important to get back to that."

Watch our interview with Ghostpoet above

"On this record I feel that I've gone back to that. Maybe that's a factor - maybe people like the artwork, maybe people felt sorry for me and decided to buy my record? I dunno man!"

Our love for Ghostpoet comes not pity, but from the power of his socially conscious lyrics and his effortless flow - showcased perfectly on 'Sorry My Love', 'Off Peak Dreams' and 'X Marks The Spot'. 

The Mercury was won instead by Benjamin Clementine - whose debut album of heartbreaking piano soul was 'semi-autobiographical', and that 'we're all actors', with him assuming different characters to paint as full a picture as possible. Can Ghostpoet relate? 

"I understand what he's saying, but to do that for me is just a lot of work! It's just easier for me to be myself," he admits. "I'm not perfect - none of us are. I feel that if I try and pretend to be something I'm not, then you've got to keep that up. It becomes a pressure, then it becomes stressful, then it becomes a mental issue because you're like 'I can't leave my house unless I'm dress in a particular way'."

But he was dressed pretty well...

"Man, sometimes you've just gotta bring out the old clothes."

Watch above as we talk to Ghostpoet about the Mercurys, honesty, the Paris attacks and his next album.

Watch our interview with Ghostpoet above

Ghostpoet's remaining UK tour dates and upcoming events are as follows. For tickets and information, visit here. 

23 November - Bristol, The Marble Factory
24 November - Birmingham Library, The Institute
25 November - Glasgow, School Of Art
26 November - Manchester, Band On The Wall 

Below: Beautiful photos of Ghostpoet live in London

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