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1990s: Tough Cookies

1990s: Tough Cookies
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  • The 1990s, the decade that brought us Britpop, cool Britannia and beer swilling, footie loving lad culture. The Spice Girls gave feminism a kick up the backside with their message of girl power and the nation mourned the death of Princess Diana. So Jackie McKeown, lead singer of 1990s, what are your fondest memories of those final ten years of the last millennium? “You know, what I’m not going to answer that because the name of our band has got absolutely nothing to do with the decade the 1990s,” he informs us.  “It’s like asking The Rolling Stones, what their favourite rolling stone is.  I’m sure they’ve never thought about that in their life and I don’t think about the 1990s ever!”

    Whoops. That’s us told then. But for those who don’t know what the Glaswegian trio – that’s Jackie, bassist Jamie McMorrow and drummer Michael McGaughrin - are about, then allow us to educate you. They’re signed to the legendary indie label Rough Trade (The Strokes, The Long Blondes) and are due to release their debut album, ‘Cookies’ pretty soon. “We did it the last summer. We did it with Bernard Butler who used to be in Suede. It was just a joy to make. There was nobody really arguing, everybody just being on the same page,” recalls Jackie. It was a genuine a laugh making it. I think you can hear it in the music as well”.

    There are some bands that like to make you cry, and there are bands that like to make you dance like a crazy pogo stick.  1990s (no ‘the’ or apostrophes) are boxed firmly in the latter category Their fondness for partying and having a jolly good time is clear for all to hear on the record. In their words you will be ‘dancing on the ceiling, dancing on the floor’. As Jackie rightly says: it “If I’ve got something to complain about, I’m not going to complain about it in a three minute pop song. The one time when people get away from all that is when they stick on some pop music”.

    1990s may have only been around since 2005, but Jackie is a veteran of the Glasgow art rock scene having been in bands before.  Most notably, he and 1990s bandmate Jamie were in The Yummy Fur, whose line up also featured Alex Kapranos and Paul Thompson prior to their success with Franz Ferdinand.

    “It was just like being in any band. I don’t know. It was my life for about eight years and I enjoyed it,” remembers Jackie. “I didn’t ever expect to be really successful. If I wanted to be successful I’d probably have made the music different, but we just recorded and made exactly what we wanted to make.  I think the thing with The Yummy Fur was that it was pre- The Strokes and things like that, and indie, angular, arty rock music was never going to make a lot of money. I think if the band had come out a couple of years later, things might have been different”.

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    • @Gigwise when the clocks went back last year i spent a night at spaghetti junction listening to jive bunny while dressed as a cheese string
      thepeaman on Tue Mar 17 15:07:35 via web
    • @Gigwise McCartney @ Glastonbury. Ecstasy & Strawberry Cider. Dancing girls talking about anal sex. Returning with mysterious bloodied face.
      Sheq on Tue Mar 17 15:07:06 via web
    • @Gigwise how rude are you allowing these comments to be?
      DJ_SParky on Tue Mar 17 14:58:59 via TweetDeck
    • @Gigwise love Franz Ferdinand! U should check out my radio show on M-Th 9pm PST, I play a ton of them
      iGRDash on Tue Mar 17 14:41:40 via TwitterHawk
    • @Gigwise Can't wait!
      iscreamlouder on Mon Mar 16 16:27:27 via web
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