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Monday 14/05/07 1990s, Fake Fang @ The Borderline, London

Monday 14/05/07 1990s, Fake Fang @ The Borderline, London
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  • There’s an album launch going on at The Borderline tonight- the 1990’s album ‘Cookies’, and a legion of fans have crammed themselves into the already heaving venue that’s moving to the sound of Fake Fang. This Glaswegian four piece just scream retro at you with their look and calculated sound like Martha And The Muffins meets The Gossip brimming with catchy riffs and attitude. Fake Fang are tight, cool and sound fucking amazing and are set to be one of the hotshots on the London underground scene.

    Later as the 1990s take to the stage a great rumble sounds up from the crowd and the band move straight into a stomping indie number that gets everyone dancing. Their set is an enthusiastic and energetic one brimming with excitement, hook laden numbers and nods to cult status, friendship and ‘I Fought The Law’ which receive tumultuous applause from an adoring audience. The highlight of the evening has to be recent single ‘See You At The Lights’- a boppy song with a strong beat that makes it a prefect tune to sing along to. As the evening goes on it becomes clearer how tight and an what an impressive live force the 1990’s are, allowing them to show off their talents effortlessly and put them to crowd pleasing use in an encore that brings the house down. Hopefully they’ll still be here in decades to come.


      ~ by beth x 5/19/2007

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    • Wouaw, Fake Fang was sooo cool !! I really enjoyed their music. Cant wait to see them again !

      ~ by Tom 5/22/2007

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