Heloïse Letissier on the "harsh year" that inspired her brand new single
Jessie Atkinson
12:29 13th February 2020

Speaking on the red carpet at last night's (12 February) NME Awards, Heloïse Letissier aka Christine and the Queens talked to us about the history behind her brand new single 'People, I've been sad' - a beautiful new tune that arrived last week.

"I noticed that people related [to it] a lot", Letissier said of the song's reception, "the best comment I had was 'Queen of Seasonal Depression!'" 

'People, I've Been Sad' opens with quavering autotune before melting into a soaring chorus of synths and floating harmonies: it's a beautiful electro-pop track with its heart on its sleeve. Of the inspiration behind the song's themes, Letissier explained:

"For me, the songwriting was back to the place [when] I started Christine. That also was to save myself from a really deep sadness. This song was going back to that point but being older and wiser maybe; a bit more armed...that feeling of healing through a song".

She continued:

"That song was just a burst of vulnerability that came up before the last tour was over because I had the craziest, most harsh and intense year. I lost my mum, there was emotional turmoil, a complicated love affair and I just sat on the desk and I started to say 'people, I’ve been sad' and I thought 'oh, there it goes'."

She also spoke about how the new single seemed to take her back to a pre-Chris era of Christine and the Queens:

"For 'People, I've been Sad' I was like 'oh, it’s not Chris anymore'

In terms of how to exist and dress and move - that was different from Chris the carnal, muscular, exposed skin thing. The theatrics are really honest in how they show emotion. You can symbolise emotion with everything."

'People, I've been sad' is out everywhere now. 

Photo: Press