'I'm just happy being Peace with my boring old country life'
Harrison Smith
12:00 18th July 2022

Master Peace has a goal—many of them. Chiefly, avoiding stereotypes.  One of his many missions is to stay fresh, imperceptible to those who might deem him one thing or another. “One day I might want to make a dance track, and the next day I might want to make an indie anthem,” he says. But whilst the intent is to stay on the pulse, he's confident he's tapped into something good: “My new sound is here to stay, and it'll be clear who I am as an artist”.

Peace found his early musical drive in the form of a bet with a friend. The winner? Whoever could drum up a bigger online fanbase quicker. After racking up a considerable number of SoundCloud listens, a conversation with his uncle inspired him to stay at it. “He told me that if I took it seriously, I could make something out of myself which could change my life.” Since that day, Peace has gone from one exciting musical venture to the next, from working with Mike Skinner—“I've wanted a song with The Streets ever since I started making music. He is my biggest inspiration”—to penning the rural-life-bashing new single 'Outside the M25'. 

The latter, with its indie-rock flavour, is Master Peace unfiltered. “It's about me being myself and people stereotyping me to make music that I don't want to make. I'm just happy being Peace with my boring old country life”. He hopes the new single will resonate with those facing daily strife: “The track talks about what people like me have to go through on a day to day basis, simply for being themselves”. The challenges he has faced are strikingly evident. Often assumed he’s solely a hip-hop artist, he’s keen to assure us otherwise: “I’m called a rapper even though I make indie music! My sound has made it longer for me to be noticed as a frontrunner in the indie scene—however, with my new music, that could be about to change”.

With a bustling year ahead, Peace is eager to get back on stage amongst the “noise, screaming, laughing, crying, mosh pits and smiles” which have made his live shows momentous. He’s got his sights on world domination but tells us: “Before that, you’ll get a third EP and then an album”.

With the dynamic determination he exudes, you’d be a fool to doubt him. 

Issue Four of the Gigwise Print magazine is on pre-order now! Order here.

Photo: Karan Teli