Apocalyptic scenes
Lucy Harbron
09:55 13th July 2023

You know how it is - when you’re down at the boozer and things get a little… apocalyptic. That sense of chaos in the air, the heaviness of toxic masculinity and the threat of a fight bubbling in a bad lager. STONE know it well, and in their huge new tune ‘I Gotta Feeling’, it’s all boiling over.

Shot In Stoke Newington at a local boozer, the band brought the track to life with the help of a crack team of directors, actors and makeup artists. Inspired by a weird night out Alex and Fin had on Grand National Day; watch the usual suspects morph into monsters after a drink.

Talking about the video, the band told us; “We decided to brew our own batch of stout called ‘grudge’, which in turn causes the worst toxic traits of the drinker to show strong, in this case turning our pub goers into brain dead zombies…”.

“Some of us have never used contact lenses before so we struggled with that haha, we had fun with the sugar glass as well felt good to smash stuff up with no consequence”

Their most adventurous music video yet to match their biggest track to date, the band let us go behind the scenes of the chaos. Here were the scenes…

Grab your copy of the Gigwise print magazine here.

Photo: @Luxuriousthomas