Aphex Twin has continued his recent spate of prolificity with the release of 10 new songs shared on his "secret" SoundCloud account. Listen below.
The musician released his first album as Aphex Twin in 13 years, Syro, last year. He had, however, released Rushup Edge under the pseudonym The Tuss, back in 2007.
It seems the release of Syro sparked an urge to create more and more material though, as he's also released a 20-track synth LP and an EP since then, as well as steadily uploading new tracks onto a secret SoundCloud account.
Last night (5 May), Aphex Twin uploaded 10 more songs to his account, with characteristically unpronouncable titles such as, '26 subbassjzzYvEntolins'.
Listen to some of Aphex Twin's secret tracks below
Listen to the rest of Aphex Twin's new music over on his secret SoundCloud account, user48736353001.