More about: Coldplay
We're not sure what it is, but something exciting, and Coldplay related, is happening tomorrow (6 November) at 7.45 in the morning.
- UPDATE: The announcement has now been revealed
The band have been massive teases over the past week or so - first they put up a mysterious poster on the London underground, then they posted several teaser clips to Facebook, and now they've upped the ante even more.
This afternoon, they posted a 13-second video clip, again in a London tube station (we can't quite figure out which one - answers on a postcard), that zooms in to the aforementioned poster to reveal a clumsily-painted piece of A4 paper. The paper reads, "FRIDAY 07.45 U.K time."
Watch the 13-second video below
Posted by Coldplay on Thursday, 5 November 2015
The video was accompanied with the following hashtags: "#AOAL #AHFOD" - which, we assume, relates to the names of new songs.
Colplay's seventh album, A Head Full Of Dreams, is rumoured for release early next month.
1) It's called A Head Full Of Dreams: Lofty and optimistic, this title might be a tad on the cliche side but might be an insight into the general sound of Coldplay album the seventh. The extra bonus is that if the band ever want to curate a Coldplay musical, they've already got a title sorted.
It's due out 4 December: People are losing sight of what's important about holiday season, not family or peace for all men but the album charts. Be sure to pick up as many copies as you can and stream it all day, every day. You can't spell Christmas without Chris (Martin).
The artwork is similar to Bring Me the Horizon's: Not that Bring Me The Horizon invented the spiral but their is an uncanny resemblance between Coldplay's new artwork and the Sheffield band's Sempiternal design. But rest easy, there's no animosity between the two artists for the aforementioned "jacked steez".
'Amazing Day' will be on it: Debuted back in September at charity concert in New York, it's been confirmed that this slow-burning, self-assuring number will make it on the album. Less dance banger and more 'Earth Angel' but, then again, it might not be a full representation of the album.
This could be Coldplay's final chapter: "It's our seventh thing and the way we look at it it's like the last Harry Potter book. That's not to say there won't be another thing one day, but this is the completion of something" - that's not overly encouraging news.
Don't be put off by the pop and dance influences: Coldplay have joined forces with Katy Perry and Rihanna mixing engineer Phil Tan. A guy who's M.O is writing number one hits so don't be going into this record expecting Parachutes reborn, there's probably going to be plenty of punchy hooks and a production job so clean, you can see your reflection in it.
Chris Martin is no longer down in the dumps: Following the morose sad-sacking that constructed the majority of Ghost Stories, we like to think Chris has since bucked himself up and got back on the happy horse, so to speak. With the title like Head Full Of Dreams and the spectral aesthetic we're getting from the artwork, we're waging our bets on an upbeat return.
There's a chance it'll be showcased on Glastonbury's Pyramid Stage: An unknown source from The Sun reported that:"Michael likes getting things sorted as early as possible and having a solid, reliable Sunday headline act to send people home happy is a massive part of the booking process", the source also dropped the name Coldplay. We're not saying we believe this 'source'9 but it would make total sense for them to take to the Pyramid stage, right?
More about: Coldplay