by Andrew Trendell Staff | Photos by Still

Tags: Wu Tang Clan 

Martin Shkreli 'pissed off' with Wu-Tang for 'talking shit behind my back'

The AIDs drug profiteer bought their album for $2million


Martin Shkreli interview pissed off at Wu-Tang after Wu-Tang net worth Photo: Still

Martin Shkreli, the millionaire and Twitter villian who used his vast net worth made from vastly increasing the price of AIDs drugs, has hit out at the band in an interview - saying that he's 'pissed off' at them for 'talking shit about me behind my back'. 

Shkreli became known as 'the most hated man on the internet' when his company obtained the manufacturing license for AIDS drug Daraprim, before raising its price by 5,455% - from $13.50 to $750 per tablet. He only grew more unpopular when it was revealed that he was the buyer of Wu-Tang Clan's one-of-a-kind Once Upon A Time In Shaolin for $2million

The band's RZA has spoken out against Shkreli, saying "the sale of 'Once Upon a Time in Shaolin' was agreed upon in May, well before Martin Skhreli’s [sic] business practices came to light. We decided to give a significant portion of the proceeds to charity."

Now, in a new interview with Hip Hop DX, Shkreli has revealed that he is not happy with RZA's comments. 

"I’m the most successful Albanian to ever walk the face of this Earth," he said. "I bought the album. [There’s a] big fucking check in RZA and Cilvaringz' pocket now, but [now] they’re starting to turn up on me."

Shkreli continued: "The Albanian community is a very weird community. We’re some of the most tight-knit kind-of kill for each other, die for each other motherfuckers there are," he added. "People say it’s one of the craziest ethnicities there is in terms of their loyalty and bloodlines and shit like that."

"This [Wu-Tang] thing is starting to get pretty tense. You probably see that increasingly. I’m getting pretty frustrated by it. I bought the most expensive album in the history of mankind and fucking RZA is talking shit behind my back and online in plain sight."

He went on: "I’m just getting pissed off. That’s not the way I do business. If I hand you $2 million, fucking show me some respect. At least have the decency to say nothing or 'no comment.' The guy says 'before his business practices came to light.' What the fuck does that mean? I fucking make money. That’s what I do. That’s why I can fucking afford a fucking $2 million album. What do you think I do, make cookies? No, motherfucker. I sell drugs... I felt insulted..

"You’ve got to research Albanians, it’s the most hot tempered culture there is," Skhreli continued. "I have a crazy temper myself. He’s from the streets. The guy hasn’t been in the hustle in 20 years. He doesn’t want to get me angry and I’m getting angry."

Meanwhile, it was later revealed that comedy hero Bill Murray is legally allowed to organise a 'heist' to retrieve the album from Shkreli should he choose to

Shkreli has since been arrested by the FBI on securities and fraud charges

Below: The most hated people in music, 2015

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