by Cohan Chew Contributor

Martin Shkreli�s Twitter has been hacked

The account said he will give away Once Upon A Time In Shaolin for free


Martin Shkreli Twitter has been hacked wu tang clan Photo:

Martin Shkreli’s week just keeps getting better. After just getting arrested for security fraud charges, with a $5 million bail, he has now had his Twitter hacked.

The hackers who remain anonymous changed the America’s most hated man’s Twitter name to “Martin The God” and listed “Giving away WUTANG album RT for a chance to win”, amongst others.

Shkreli became infamous for hiking the price of a drug that treats AIDS from $13.50 a pill to $750 - a 5,455% increase.

The Retrophin founder allegedly bought the only copy of Wu Tang Clan’s Once Upon A Time In Shaolin, which won’t be released to the public until 2103. He reportedly paid $2million for the record.


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