The day is finally upon us - today sees David Bowie release his epic new album, Blackstar - and you can listen to it online by streaming below.
Containing the title track and incredible 'Lazarus', Bowie drops his critically acclaimed 25th album today (8 January) - on his 69th birthday.
Reviewing Blackstar to make it our album of the week, we wrote: "Bowie could have delivered a smattering glam-rock-lite hits, a pastiche of his past glories - but there would be no challenge in that. It's not in his nature to make the same record twice.
"One can't help but feel that this may have been part of his plan all along. If The Next Day was his bridge back on to the world stage, one can't help but feel that Blackstar is him again leaping sideways into the breach. This is a far more bold, artful and fulfilling affair. Never second guess Bowie. Tomorrow never knows, especially when it comes to an artist always with one foot in the future."
Listen to the new album, Blackstar, in full below:
Meanwhile, don't get your hopes up for a David Bowie tour - he's said to have retired from the road.