The Labyrinth was always everyone's guiltiest cinematic pleasure, but there has been no shame in revisiting it since the tragic passing of David Bowie.
Now Screen Junkies, who have gained quite the online following and reputation for tearing down new blockbusters and classic films by recreating more truthful trailers that point out their many flaws, have done the same for Labyrinth in honour of the late, great, lead actor Thin White Duke.
"So forget the meandering plot and so-so acting, because David Bowie steals every scene he's in as Jareth The Goblin King - a magical creature that can only be described as 'David Bowie'," reads the narrator, "who will have you spellbound by his dancing, magic tricks and...erm...major Tom (he's talking about THE BULGE) , and by the hypnotic way he pronounces 'baby'...
"In a performance so iconic, you won't even care that he's playing a kidnapper with the hots for a 16-year-old."
Odeon cinemas will be screening Labyrinth across the UK this weekend to raise money for Cancer Research UK.
Meanwhile, a petition has been started to prevent Kanye West from recording an album of Bowie covers in tribute - and it's attracted thousands of signatures already.