Kesha’s court case to be freed from her contract with Sony has now been thrown out by a judge in New York. The singer claims to have been emotionally and sexually assaulted by her producer, Dr. Luke.
The singer was hoping to be freed from her contract with the record label, after claiming that Dr. Luke used "mental manipulation, emotional abuse and sexual assault" against her. But, the case has been thrown out of court, following a previous denial of a preliminary injunction, TMZ reports.
New York Supreme Court Justice Shirley Kornreich claimed that Dr. Luke’s offer to allow Kesha to continue recording without his input, “decimates her argument”. Kesha unsuccessfully filed for an appeal against the denial of a preliminary injunction, as her attorney compared the singer being tied to her contract to slavery.
Mark Geragos, Kesha’s attorney wrote in court papers: “Plaintiff seeks reversal of the Order on the following grounds. First, the Court erred in basing its decision on its finding that Kesha could record without interference from Gottwald." But the judge Konreich denied the comparison as she stated that Sony are not forcing the singer to work with Dr. Luke.
A New York judge has now said that, "Although [Luke's] alleged actions were directed to Kesha, who is female, [her claims] do not allege that [Luke] harbored animus toward women or was motivated by gender animus when he allegedly behaved violently toward Kesha."
The court case has been active since October 2014, when Kesha originally filed for the lawsuit against her producer. Sony are now rumoured to be dropping the producer, Dr. Luke. Kesha has also recently said that she was offered freedom if, "I lie and say that I never got raped."