by Andrew Trendell Staff | Photos by wenn

Tags: Led Zeppelin 

Judge says there's 'substantial' chance Led Zeppelin ripped off 'Stairway To Heaven'

The band to face plagiarism trial next month


Led Zeppelin Stairway To Heaven plagiarism trial for Taurus Spirit Photo: wenn

The age-old argument that Led Zeppelin ripped off 'Taurus' by Spirit for the classic 'Stairway To Heaven' continues, with the band now set to face a jury for a plagiarism trial. 

As Reuters reports, U.S. District Judge Gary Klausner says there's enough of a 'substantial' similarity between the two tracks for the case to go to trial - which will begin on 10 May. 

'Taurus' was recorded by Spirit in 1967, four years before Zep recorded 'Stairway. In the interim period, the two bands toured together - and while guitarist Jimmy Page admits there's a chance that he was influenced by the track, any notion of plagiarism is 'ridiculous'. 

The case was brought about by trustee for the late Spirit guitarist Randy Wolfe, Michael Skidmore - who argues that Wolfe should at least be given a writing credit on the track. 

"While it is true that a descending chromatic four-chord progression is a common convention that abounds in the music industry, the similarities here transcend this core structure," said US Judge Gary Klausner. "What remains is a subjective assessment of the 'concept and feel' of two works... a task no more suitable for a judge than for a jury."

If successful, Wolfe's estate could received up to 50% of the track's royalties in damages. 

Meanwhile, while a Led Zeppelin reunion grows ever more unlikely, guitarist Jimmy Page is currently putting together a new band for an upcoming album and tour

Below: Led Zeppelin's 18 greatest songs - ranked in order of greatness

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