Famed for nothing in particular, Kylie Jenner can now add music to the many talents that she does not possess - after making her musical debut on a pretty abhorrent rap song, and what could easily be the worst song of all time.
On first listen, you might think it to be a joke, but no - 'Beautiful Day' by Burberry Perry featuring Lil Yachty, Kylie Jenner Justine Skye and Jordyn Woods is legit.
It sounds like each aspect of the song was written by several toddlers, not communicating with each other at all as they slap their sticky palms against pianos and commit all kinds of crimes with autotune. It makes 'Friday' by Rebecca Black sound like 'Bohemian Rhapsody', and has already ruined our weekend.
The track is a fairly dire affair to begin with, before Jenner steps in and mumbles some trash. She admits it's first appearance on a track. She seems refreshingly self-aware of the evil she has committed to tape though, using a good portion of her verse to apologise. However, all is not forgiven.
Many have mentioned their discomfort at Jenner's use of the N word, but first you have to get the past that so many consenting adults came together to create such an abortion and thought it would be a good idea to share it with an unwitting public.
'IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD'. That neighbourhood needs to be quarantined at one.
Ears bleeding yet? Sorry. Here are some of our favourite comments from Soundcloud:
"This made my baby cry.... He likes EVERYTHING music wise.... This is torture. "
"did someone shit on the mic ???? "
"yeah u better be sorry for making my fucking ears bleed "
"Kindergarden shit !!! "
"They should put this song in a time capsule and launch that bitch into outer space "
"I don't understand how someone could listen to this and think it was a good idea for it to be public. "
"don't do drugs mmmk "
"only in america can a sack of chromosome like this get so famous "