Orlando Bloom better watch out
Sam Meaghan

10:26 16th August 2016

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The real use of the TV show, Catfish, isn't to make us all feel happy when someone hasn't been "catfished". It's the entertainment we recieve in the TV show's participants crashing and burning. 

A new trailer of an episode from the show's latest series has been released that shows a man named Spencer, dead set on the idea that he has been speaking to Katy Perry for a couple of years. Obviously, they have only spoken on the phone once, and never Skyped. 

Though the trailer doesn't outright say, "This guy thinks he's talking to Katy Perry". The clip does show Spencer saying Katy and then the second name being blooped out by a cat emoji. What's best about the trailer is watching Nev, and his mate Max, being completely flabbergasted by how sure the man is about this. 

It then turns out, that Spencer has only taken his great grandmother's emerald and had a band attached to it, to make an engagement ring. 

In the clip Spencer says, "I've been talking to this woman for the past six years." Which incinuates that Perry has been talking to Spencer behind former husband, Russell Brand's back, and continuing to talk to Spencer throughout her relationship with Orlando Bloom. 

The episode airs on Wednesday at 10pm. Oh, the suspence could kill. Watch the teaser here: 

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