'I don’t listen to the music that much'
Niamh Pillinger
11:31 3rd November 2020

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It landed back in June. Kate NV's convention-defying, mellifluous new album Room For The Moon. Hooky, otherworldly and exuberant, it's a 50-minute carnival of sound that shows off the out-of-the-box thinking of this Moscow-based multi-disciplinary artist.

What drives such an eclectic spirit? What powers someone to write such astonishing music - and create such magnificently stylised visual art along with it? We caught up with Kate NV to talk about her inspirations, her ways of working and her hopes for the future.

Gigwise: You have a very distinctive visual style that flows through a lot of your videos, what has inspired this vision and were you every tempted to go down a more visual route with your art?

Kate NV: I studied architecture [and] this definitely influenced the way I think of visual stuff. Plus, my mom raised me on beautiful cartoons and books with the best illustrations. She always thought that the connection between the visual part and the meaning is very important. It just comes all together in one package. But I spent years figuring out how to get all these pictures out of my head and deliver it to the public in the best way possible.

All of my early ideas used to be quite blurry and now it’s more clear and my hands finally listen to me. I have no specific plans to go down a more visual route. Usually everything happens by itself. If I feel like doing something—I just try to do it the way I imagine it.

GW: You’ve discussed previously how through your music you’ve created a bit of a fantasy world that feels like “coming home”, during such a strange time have you found that this creative world allows you more freedom?

KNV: I used to spend a lot of time alone when I was a kid. so I learned how to create something out of nothing to make myself feel happy. Imagination gives you a lot of freedom and can make everything exciting even if you are just sitting in your room and you know every object there.

GW: I read that you got into TikTok during lockdown. Do you have a favourite TikTok or trend? Did you pick up any other lockdown hobbies?

KNV: I have a very weird  feed in my TikTok. All of the videos I get there are very funny but they are long. My friend once told me that my feed is much more intelligent than his, haha! He can’t watch long videos. I don’t have specific favourite trends, I just love random awkward funny videos.

GW: Which, if any, fictional world would like to be able to jump into to pick inspiration from? Sailor Moon appears to be a big interest of yours. Do you feel as though she has ever influenced you in your creative life? Are there any other pop culture icons that influence you or your work?

KNV: I honestly think that Sailor Moon shaped me as a person haha. When I first time saw it at the age of 8 I was so impressed that for years I've been waiting for my white cat to finally talk to me and tell me that I'm a beautiful soldier that needs to protect the world. It didn’t happen though. I just made my cat think that I was out of my mind.

SM definitely influenced my creative life. I’ve been drawing like crazy because I wanted to draw in the same style. I didn’t have the internet at home then so I used to come to my parents’ work just to download tons of pictures of different mangakas ‘cause I desperately needed to learn.

I can also say that my experience of hanging out with contemporary composers influenced me a lot. I rewatched my approach of making music. I guess the main figure was always John Cage. I still can’t believe that this guy existed. 

GW: When you can finally tour Room For The Moon is there anywhere you’re specifically excited to take it?

KNV: Oh it feels so far away and sounds so surreal right now. I just hope that I will be able to perform it somewhere outside of Russia at some point, and preferably with my band.

GW: Are there any aspects of the music industry or creative industries in general that you struggle with or would like to change?

KNV: It looks like right now with all the visible numbers of streams music became some sort of a sport. It was always competitive but now it has become more accurate. Sometimes it really affects the music itself.

GW: On Room For The Moon you write and sing in multiple languages, do you have a favourite language to work with?

KNV: My choice of language depends on phonetics and the mood of the track. Each language has its own specific sound and it’s more like choosing the best one that fits the track, so i don’t have a favourite one. 

GW: What have you been listening to lately? Do you find that your listening habits change while you’re creating?

KNV: I don’t listen to the music that much. Most of the time I spend in silence, it allows ideas and melodies to come to my mind whenever they want. I listen to music when I cycle or when I’m going somewhere. The movement helps me to concentrate cause the brain is occupied with some routine. But I’ve been listening to the Evangelion soundtrack a lot recently. I love this anime and the soundtrack is awesome.

GW: The 80s have inspired your work heavily, if there was one aspect of the 80s that you could bring to 2020, what would it be?

KNV: I would love to bring back sincere craziness and foolishness without the intention to sell it.

Room For The Moon is out now. 

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Photo: Talib Shillaev