Justin Bieber stormed off stage last night (23 October) because he felt like he wasn't being given the same respect that he's giving fans by touring around the world.
The Canadian pop star was speaking to his fans at the Manchester Arena when they started booing egging him on to carry on singing.
He responded: "Let's do the music [then]." before dropping his mic and going off to prove a point.
He returned to say that he dedicates his whole life to this and he expects equal respect. Watch him explain to the audience below:
Justin Bieber explaining why he walked off stage tonight #PurposeTourManchester pic.twitter.com/qdC4CY2M3N
The incident echoes his gig in Birmingham when he said: "If, when I'm speaking, you guys could not scream at the top of your lungs. Is that cool with you guys? "The screaming is just so obnoxious." Hard to imagine The Beatles reacting like that to their fans.
Many people have taken to Twitter to voice their frustration at the situation whether it be in his defence or against. Some of the responses are very unforgiving and label him a 'joke' and heavier things. Read the reactions below:
How many more times is Justin Bieber gonna be a stroppy teenager, throw his microphone and storm off stage, useless mardy prick
— Jordie Smith (@jordiepaulsmith) October 24, 2016
Justin Bieber is just a spoilt little prick, as if you'd storm off stage during a gig because fans were screaming over you? little gimp
— Katie (@_katiesmart) October 24, 2016
Manchester properly pissed off Justin bieber tonight. I have never ever been more proud of my city.
— georgia 🐘 • 261 (@jonnybuckIand) October 23, 2016
Waited 10 month to see Justin Bieber for him to take a strop drop the mic and storm off stage??? Nice 1 brotha :)
— laura (@laurafidlerxx) October 23, 2016
Justin Bieber throwing a paddy onstage in Manchester LMAO just cause an ARENA of 22,000 people won't be silent, he's a joke
— Eleanor♡ (@KatysPrismLight) October 23, 2016
Some fans were more understanding of his reactions and are particularly angered by those who have spoken out against their idol:
@BBC channel 2. Quit slating @justinbieber he did not 'storm' off stage. He casually walked off AND came back on. He's human leave him alone
— olivia🎃 (@Olivia_Brannan_) October 24, 2016
we dont deserve you @justinbieber. i'm so sorry for these fake people who always ruin everything. u dont need to apologise, it's them. sorry
— manon | I MET HIM (@ibieberauhlls) October 24, 2016
Justin Bieber walks off stage at the #PurposeTourManchester after fans continued to scream when Justin said not to. pic.twitter.com/PPiG66fdaG
— Pop Crave (@PopCravePolls) October 23, 2016
— Cendy Bieber (@CxBeliebers) October 24, 2016
If people do that to Justin in my city tomorrow i will hunt you down with a squad of Beliebers and you don't want that #RespectJustin pic.twitter.com/4psMmmSeTy
— Blake (@BlkeGrande) October 23, 2016
There's hardly an artist in this world with the level of dedication that Bieber fans have. Here's an image of his hardcore fanbase waiting outside the Manchester gig hours before he was due on stage. It's safe to say that this is a level of respect out of this world that hopefully he'll recognise before writing off Manchester because of the impatience of a certain section of the audience.
Beliebers waiting for doors to open! #PurposeTourManchester pic.twitter.com/qNdCim2jNQ
— UK Bieber News (@UK_BieberNews) October 23, 2016