A student has taken the time out of what must not be a very busy schedule to test a theory out on cats.
After hearing that American cellist David Teie's plans to make an album scientifically proven to make cats happy, Alice Dryden decided to test it out.
Given the very evilness of most cats, it's surprising that the pieces of music are not entirely written in a minor key.
Yes, they are a bit scary, kind of similar to the music in Close Encounters of The Third Kind, it is always enjoyable watching any animal chill out.
Whilst this is good and all, you do have to wonder, where on earth do people find the time to do this sort of stuff?
What next? A concept album about your dog doing a poo and you having to pick it up? That would probably be loved by fans of The Cure the world over.
Suppose there is a lot to take away from this very experience, many bands will now be into making creepy cat friendly alien music.