Released today on new label Little Cousin Records
Matty Pywell
11:41 9th July 2020

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Launching on Little Cousin Records, 16 year old Eaves Wilder is today (9 July) releasing her debut single, ‘Won’t You Be Happy’.

The Londoner wrote and produced her first song during lockdown, with it being mixed remotely by Stephen Street. The ensuing result is a song about being 16, starting in a lucid dreamlike state, filling the surroundings with echoes. It is flipped completely with the introduction of guitars, as all of a sudden it becomes a feelgood rock song. Eaves Wilder is uncompromising in her debut, revealing a talent to write a song with an ever evolving landscape. Listen now:

On her debut track she said, “I wrote ‘Won’t You Be Happy’ on the first day of UK lockdown, to cheer myself up. I feel like everything moves so quickly when you’re a teenager, and then for everything to grind to a halt is frustrating. I wanted it to be happy, simplistic and feelgood, because that was what was lifting my mood at a time when it felt like the world was ending.” 

The track is being released on Little Cousin Records, a new label created during lockdown by Sam Denholm, who says, “The industry as a whole has been hit hard with Coronavirus but artists are still finding a way to make music and we want to create a platform for new artists to be heard with some help from some of the industries best. We are super excited by Eaves Wilder and ‘Won't You Be Happy’ is the perfect sentiment for right now.”

‘Won’t You Be Happy’ is out now via Little Cousin Records.

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Photo: Press