Release gets its final release
Jessie Atkinson
10:50 1st December 2020

Sophie Jamieson has shared her second EP today. Release arrives with a new single that'll break your heart in the most beautiful way: 'The End of the Road' is a sombre electro-folk track about being too depressed to get out and about.

"So I run to the end of my road: I was full of hope" she sings, "I waited for my limbs to do that thing...but my body folded." It's a relatable predicament for anyone who's suffered with mental illness - and set to the chimes of her electric guitar, it's a deeply affecting piece.

The track is the final single on the Release EP, which also features previous singles 'Concrete', 'Release' and 'Forward'. 

Jamieson expands on the themes of the latest single: “People talk all the time about how important exercise is when you are feeling depressed, but rarely do they talk about how difficult it is when your mind is telling your body not to bother.

“There was a period where every other time I got dressed to go running, I would get as far as the end of my road and have to stop and give up, my body too heavy to carry me though I was desperate for the release.”

Photo: Press