'Like a kind of therapy'
Jessie Atkinson
13:08 11th March 2021

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Kele, aka Kele Okereke of Bloc Party, has shared something quite different today: a looping, peaceful minimalist piece titled 'The Heart of the Wave'. Landing with a pleasantly soporific visual, it's a nice mind bath for your Thursday.

One lush loop underpins the entire song, which goes on to sparkle and shimmer with synths and sparse bass. The whole experience is one of intense calm, reminiscent of sitting on a beach at dusk.

Hear it:

“‘The Heart Of The Wave’ started quite absent mindedly. During lockdown I was spending a lot of time playing electric guitar in my room and I found on some of the bleakest days making the swirling guitar loops calmed me down. It was almost like a kind of therapy for me" Kele said.

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Photo: Press