After a 3-year break, the band are back
Vicky Greer
11:37 26th May 2021

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After a 3-year break, the weird and wonderful Francobollo are back with a brand new single, ‘Modern Life Is Getting Old’. It’s the lead single off their new Good Buy EP, which arrives 16 July on Permanent Creeps Records.

‘Modern Life is Getting Old’ has a fantastically DIY-sound, unafraid to take risks in order to create something slightly odd but always charming. All about moving to a city where you don’t feel at home, the confusion of the song fits the feelings of frustration its lyrics.


On their big return, the band said this:

FRANCOBOLLO IS F*#%In9* HERE AGAIN! We’re always here, and we intend to be until we can’t be. Time moves fast when you are working like a dog.  Day in, day out, each day the same smog. Waiting to get paid, so you can live another month or two somewhere and in your spare time, do what you love to do: make music. Francobollo is built on disorganisation to some degree, unfortunately. -  We're working on it. Fortunately, the chaos has inspired a whole lot of new songs that we are now gonna share with you!

Good Buy EP arrives 16 July on Permanent Creeps Records.

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Photo: Press