Pixies-inspired rock with a sweet vocal twist
Vicky Greer
17:20 26th May 2021

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Brighton trio PROJECTOR are back today with their next single ‘Same Dream’, following on from the dynamic and grungy ‘Zero’. ‘Same Dream’ was written over the first UK lockdown, dealing with the lethargy that we all experienced last year.

With distorted, grunge guitars and sweeter, almost pop vocal harmonies, ‘Same Dream’ combines sounds from their wealth of influences to create a lively energy. Band member Ed explains the new single:

“In some ways Same Dream is the tune we always set out to write. Totally, aggressively immediate, full of opposing ideas. Lucy and I are both obsessed by the Pixies, how they trim the fat and blend harsh tones with sweet ones. The main vocal is through a crap old Marshall, the counter melodies are sugary and poppy. The structure is brutal; we cut out the intro, hit straight into the chorus and there’s no second verse, the song’s done and dusted in two minutes before this lush, drawn out outro. It was fun to do one thing and then the opposite.”

In our Hello Tomorrow interview with Lucy, she told us what we can expect from PROJECTOR this year:

“We’ve had to stand still for so long, our main thing [now] is that we want to keep going in odd directions sonically and not doing things that people expect every time”.

‘Same Dream’ is out now on Roadkill Records.

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Photo: Annie Dorrett