Out now on Decca
Jessie Atkinson
10:42 28th July 2021

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Something more downbeat from Steam Down today: the stunning 'Untie' featuring vocals by Lady Shaynah. The single is another piece of the forthcoming EP Five Fruit, which is out in September on Decca.

Soulful vocals that inspire the listener to engage in a crusade of self-care join with triple-time percussion and simple keys for an atmospheric experience at sonic odds but in emotional concert with 'Free My Skin' and 'Free My Skin II'.

According to founder Ahnansé, the track was inspired by the idea that “we must untie our hearts from our minds in order to stop ourselves sinking deeper into unhealthy mental states in times of inner turmoil. In this parting of the mind and heart, we can find the strength to be gentle and compassionate in order to reconnect with the peace within ourselves."

Steam Down are taking Five Fruit on tour. Tickets available here:

See Steam Down Here:


08 - Brighton, Patterns
09 - Bristol, Exchange
10 - Nottingham, Metronome
12 - Glasgow, St Luke’s
13 - Birmingham, Castle and Falcon
14 - Manchester, Academy 3
15 - Leeds, Headrow House
17 - London, The Albany

Five Fruit arrives 24 September via Decca. 


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Photo: Press