The trust has now raised over half a million in total
Dale Maplethorpe
15:50 17th November 2022

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Last year Truck Festival celebrated its 25th Anniversary by holding one of their biggest ever festivals with the likes of Bombay Bicycle Club, Sam Fender and Kasabian all making an appearance. Dubbed as a ‘miniature Glastonbury’ Truck Fest is always a lot of people’s summer highlight, and as if their events weren’t a big enough reason to like them, they’ve also managed to raise over £100,000 this year for charity.

The Truck Trust is a subsection of the festival which aims to give back and support local charities throughout the region. This year they launched a ‘Truck in the Community’ initiative which has seen them raise a total of £120,000 for charity. The trust has now managed to raise half a million in total over the past 8 years.

The money is raised throughout the festival but also because of key initiatives that take place throughout the year as well. The money is divided to a number of different charities so that the benefits of the money raised can be experienced far and wide.

The CEO of Be Free Young Carers commented on the initiative saying, “Truck Festival has always been a loyal supporter to us and we were delighted to have been supported this year,” she said, “they have given our young carers, and their families, the opportunity of a lifetime to attend an event that wouldn’t normally be available to them”.

More Money will be raised at next year’s Truck Festival, tickets for which are on sale now!


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Photo: Press