Dale Maplethorpe
12:07 1st December 2022

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If you’re looking for a new song that you can listen to when you stare out of a rainy train window and ponder over the direction you’re heading in life, Bright Town have you covered with the release of their beautiful new single ‘Bottom’.

This song brings with it a tone that instils hope alongside hopelessness, a song for turning points in movies and an ode to Bright Towns favourite artists. It’s a song that would go on to extenuate the feeling you already have, with layers of the human psyche addressed sonically and in its lyrics, to the point that it would be hard for you to not be able to apply it to however you currently feel.

The music builds in a beautiful way and singer Tom Corfield’s vocals are soft and comforting. In speaking about the new track, he said, “song writing is what I turn to in order to keep myself going when life appears to be too much to handle, and I intended for this song to act as a sort of musical light at the end of the tunnel.”

‘Bottom’ comes out alongside the bands new EP ‘Smithereens!’ and as they tour profusely around Liverpool perfecting their live performance. Bright Town are a bright light on the indie scene and a band that we’re excited to see progress.

Listen to the new single ‘Bottom’ now


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Photo: Press