Storytelling songwriting at its best
Dale Maplethorpe
15:31 2nd December 2022

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The amount of narrative that Alice SK is able to put into her songs is truly something to be inspired by. It’s something she has done in her previous work and can also be seen clear as day in the new ballad of a single “On The Road”.

The whole track is a proper journey. It starts very slow and gradually builds (as is the case with a lot of singer-songwriter tunes) but in the personification of emotional turmoil that is depicted throughout there are kick starts and fluctuations in rhythm and timing that are truly captivating.

The track is a story about having adoration met with apathy. “[It] describes an almost dangerous, forbidden type of romance which therefore makes it more desirable and contagious despite being destructive,” she said, “We get glimpses of rationality from the girl and at times it is meant to be slightly sarcastic.”

The song comes out as Alice SK travels around the country perfecting her live show as well as her song writing ability.

Listen to the new single ‘On The Road’ now


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Photo: Press