CW/ Mentions of sexual assault
10:53 17th January 2023

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Racing toward the release of their new EP See You In The Dark on March 27th, Soft Cult still have time to be impactful. Sharing the darkest track of the project, ‘Dress’ is a sharp takedown of the way rape culture blames women as it takes on the topic of consent.

Alongside a vital and stunning music video, the track is half catharsis and half gutpunch. Grounded by a chorus more akin to a protest chant than a rock song, the repeated line of “I’ll never be the same again” is a powerful one, set to create some impactful live moments as the heartbreaking regularity and relatability of these experiences will become apparent in the voices rising from the crowd.

Talking about the track, the band said: “"This song is about consent; it's about saying 'no' and having it happen to you anyway. It's about being followed while walking alone at night or being cornered in a bar when we're just trying to have a night out with our friends. It’s about the lingering fear and trauma that haunts us long after these experiences have happened. It’s about how these experiences make us feel powerless and change the way we see ourselves."

‘Dress’ is out now, read our In Depth chat with the band here

Grab your copy of the Gigwise print magazine here.

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Photo: Pearl Cook