Muse's Matt Bellamy took part in a very brief Twitter Q&A this week, where he discussed details of the band's forthcoming album.
A few weeks ago, the band tweeted to reveal that they're currently back in the UK and rehearsing at a studio in London.
In a series of tweets this week, Bellamy described the album's central themes as "deep ecology, the empathy gap and World War 3." There may be high levels of irony in this part. He also revealed that his disdain for guitar solos has mellowed on the new album, and mentioned a "sequel" to Origin Of Symmetry track 'Citizen Erased'.
“@ZetaSyndrome: @MattBellamy didn't you say once that guitar solos are uncool?” yes, but I may have to contradict myself on the next album
— Matt Bellamy (@MattBellamy) September 18, 2014
“@SykesErased: @MattBellamy Have you any idea of what themes that will speak the new album?” Deep ecology, the empathy gap and world war 3
— Matt Bellamy (@MattBellamy) September 18, 2014
“@FromDesolation: @MattBellamy will you play Citizen Erased in the next tour?” yes, and it's sequel...
— Matt Bellamy (@MattBellamy) September 18, 2014
Bellamy also discussed his desire for a "new constitution" in the UK following the recent Scottish referendum. "UK should become a confederation of counties unified by a new constitution. Like the world's most stable democracy," he said, with a link to Switzerland's democratic system.