In what is quite possibly the weirdest April Fools Day prank ever, Corey Taylor and the Slipknot crew announced the 'Slipknot Surrogate Programme' yesterday (Wednesday 1 April).
According to a statement on the official website, the band plan to 'generate future band members' by artifically inseminating suitable members of their fanbase. Corey Taylor wrote on the band's Facebook page 'The Next Generation is 9 Months Away' , causing one fan to jokingly remark that the programme should be named the 'Wait and Breed Project' after their song of the same name.
On the official website for the scheme, it states that surrogates who are interested will be "interviewed during the upcoming Prepare For Hell US Tour this Spring by Clown and other members of the band", and must arrange for the meet by filling out and submitting a short internet form.
For those in doubt about the ins and outs of becoming a surrogate parent, the website also provides helpful links to the subject on WebMd.
As of now, the prank site is still up and running so this could actually be a real thing. Maybe.
Meanwhile, Slipknot will be headlining Download festival this June alongside the likes of Muse, Kiss, Marilyn Manson and more. See below for tickets and information, or win tickets here.