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The Changing Faces Of Michael Jackson

He's the Microsoft boss' Guitar Hero ringer...

  • Monday, January 07, 2008

On the day that the King of Pop is rumoured to be playing a residency at London's 02 Arena, we pay tribute to Michael Jackson with this gallery of the star through the years...

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  • Michael is the best musical artist ever to walk the face of this earth. A live return would show all the pretenders how it’s done. Not to mention all the idiots like Gruff.

    ~ by Tony R 1/7/2008

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  • he is great and truly a living legend, and a great pop and rock performer. Its really shame to make a mock of him. I personally respect him and his talent, have never bothered abt his personal matters. God bless him. He is king of pop and will remain the same.

    ~ by Dr.Nikhil 1/7/2008

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  • Michael Jackson was and always will be the King of Pop. All those clowns grunting ”party like a rockstar” will be out of a job when this true artist makes his comeback.

    ~ by Abbey 1/7/2008

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  • Michael Jackson was and always will be the King of Pop. All those clowns grunting ”party like a rockstar” will be out of a job when this true artist makes his comeback.

    ~ by Abbey 1/7/2008

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  • GREAT artist !! India loves him and so does entire ASIA and EUROPE and AFRICA and AUSTRALIA and AMERICA !!

    ~ by V-Ren 1/7/2008

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