It's good to be back
Sofie Lindevall
12:09 28th May 2021

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Regardless of whether you are a gig goer who likes to a) quietly observe whilst sipping on a beverage out of a plastic cub at the back of the room, b) scream at the top of your voice whilst your ribs are having a fight with the metal barriers at the front, or c) dance until your feet (and also maybe your legs… and your back) hurt, we all have one thing in common; we have missed live music. Neatly sitting down in individual and socially-distanced “pods” scattered around the Grade II listed north London music venue, Islington Assembly Hall, there is an undeniable air of excitement in the room as we await Nubiyan Twist. Gigs are back, albeit perhaps not quite as we used to know them yet. 

Afrobeat-Jazz mavericks Nubiyan Twist released their sophomore album Freedom Fables earlier this year to much critical acclaim, but had to wait months to physically share the moment with their fans. As such, the moment the nine-piece take to the stage - even before they have played a single note - it is blatantly clear that they are here to give their all. 

Even at the first listen it was obvious that Freedom Fables was an album itching to be experienced live. Heavy on instantaneously memorable harmonic horn melodies and powered by prominently vigorous percussion, the band showcased their musicianship while letting each individual song materialise in its own unique way. As jam-packed with featuring vocalists as the record itself, the evening’s album launch show does not disappoint. Guest vocalists come and go, band members take turns at virtuoso-like solos and the heat is increasingly turned up to boiling point.

As soon as the first guest, Jazz FM’s 2019 Vocalist of the Year Award Winner CHERISE, joins the band on stage with the line “I’m ready, ready to dance!” it is impossible to escape the energy that orbits the stage. Almost like being drawn into a magnetic field, we are forced to fight all urges to get out of our seats and join her. When CHERISE returns later in the show to perform one of the album’s most dynamic songs – 'Tittle Tattle' – we reach a point where audience members are forced to take to a sit-down stampede of sorts as a way to blow off some steam.

Some of the album’s more melodic and earnest moments are beautifully performed by the group and soul singer Ria Moran. Temporarily showing us a softer side, giving us some breathing space and also ensuring we don’t forget about the group’s ability to master genres and moods all across the spectrum. 

The show reaches its climax when the band is joined by creative force and long-time collaborator K.O.G.. Musically, physically and emotionally there is nothing held back and the band’s pure joy at collectively creating a unique experience on stage is contagious. When Nubiyan Twist returns with a full house of guests for the encore, we as an audience collectively decide (remaining in our allocated spots of course) to get out of our seats, if only just for a moment, in celebration of being back together.

Leaving the venue with a heart and soul full of a feeling that is pretty much exclusive to post-gig evenings, a fellow audience member says, “I was told off three times for dancing”. If failing to fight the urge to remain seated – not once, not twice, but three times – isn’t proof of a good gig then we don’t know what is. 

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Photo: Sofie Lindevall