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by Andrew Trendell

Tags: Beady Eye 

What do Beady Eye fans think of the new album?

Video: find out what the fans think of Liam Gallagher's latest release


What do Beady Eye fans think of the new album? Photo:
Beady Eye fans lined the streets of Brick Lane this morning in hope of grabbing a free wrist-band to the band's intimate in-store gig at Rough Trade East tonight (Monday 10 June).
Gigwise headed down to meet the dedicated fans to find out how long they'd been there and what they made of the second LP from Liam Gallagher and co., as well as asking them the burning question of: 'who do you prefer - Noel or Liam?'
Some of the more hardcore that we spoke to had been waiting at the record store as early as 11.30pm last night. 
Read our review of 'BE' by Beady Eye here and find out what other critics make of the album here
Watch: Gigwise gets the view from the queue for Beady Eye at Rough Trade East, London
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