A series with our favourite artists to wrap up the year
11:52 10th December 2020

If you lived through 2020, you might reasonably ask the question: what the fuck was that? 

It's not been a normal one, that's for sure, and the time it will take to reckon with what's happened will stretch far into the future. Let's start by looking at how we spent the weirdest year in living memory. 

We collared a bunch of our favourite bands and artists and asked them questions about how they experienced the year that all of us will remember forever.

Today, Elder Island's Luke, Dave and Katy answer our 2020 quiz.


How are you, really? 

Luke - Actually still positive but mostly looking forward to 2021.


Did you watch Tiger King back in March?

Luke - Of course! Remembered seeing Joe Exotic with Louis Theroux so couldn’t resist.


What else did you binge-watch?

Dave -  A few too many crime dramas for me, I have a secret love for trash like CSI.   Collectively we've probably watched most of the big names on all streaming platforms. Thank god for the internet!


What did you drink and eat too much of?

Katy -  I think our one vice is the large quantity of crisp we consume. It's not uncommon for us to eat a share bag each, daily. Recently we’ve got really into big Hula Hoops. They’re supreme.

Drink wise we love the classic caffeine buzz. Dave is a seasoned tea drinker and will happily plough his way through 10 plus mugs a day. Me and Luke start early and persuade each other into having extra cups of coffee until it all descends into madness and someone has to lie down. 


Describe a joyful moment.

Luke - After 6 years of waiting I decided to buy a guzheng (traditional chinese instrument). The first few days of that arriving were pretty joyful. 


Did you take up a new hobby? 

Luke - Have got into the art of sourdough.

Dave - No new hobbies but getting back into older ones. Got a chance to make some progress designing a very large custom modular synthesizer.  

Katy - Unfortunately the new hobby of making an album took up most of the time but I did manage to grow a good quantity of veg. Very pleased with the tomato harvest.


What's the best thing you read in quarantine?

Luke's is Bass, Mids, Tops: An Oral History of Sound System Culture by Brian David Stevens and Joe Muggs.

Katy's is Finished 52 Ways Of Looking At A Poem by Ruth Padel. A brain tingling selection of poetry.

Dave's is Murakami 1Q84.


What's the best album you heard in quarantine?

Luke's is KeiyaA - Forever, Ya Girl 

Katy's is Revisited Melanie De Basso - No Deal

Dave's is Sault - Untitled (Black Is)


What did you miss the most?

Katy: Like many others we missed seeing friends, family and having a vague grasp on what may happen in the future! I'm not sure what was top of the bill for the most missed. Hugging and holding close those friends and family probably.

We’ve been fortunate to have a space to make our own music but we’ve really missed going to shows and seeing live music.


Elder Island's newest single 'Feral' is out now - expect new music in 2021.

Photo: Press