For the love of god, don't forget your ticket
Melissa Darragh
12:10 15th June 2023

From the folk squeezing in everything for their 12-step skincare routine, to the hardcore dreamers rocking up without a tent, you really get all sorts at Glastonbury.

Packing for any festival can be a minefield, so while you’ve hopefully got your essentials together by now - here’s some tips and tricks for what else to bring:

To wear… 

From the fun and sparkly to the wondrously eccentric, there’s nowhere better to express yourself than down on Worthy Farm - but here’s some tips to keep you feeling good along the way.

  • BRING COMFY SHOES. Whether you plan to be sprinting between stages or not, it’s inevitable that you’ll soon rack some steps up.

  • Maybe rethink the jumpsuit…. No matter how cute it is, you may regret it when you make a trip to the long drop loos.
  • Wrap up warm. Even with good weather the temperature tends to drop at night, so remember to bring a warm hoodie for bed! 

  • Pack your coat and wellies - we are all at the peril of the British weather, and you’ll be so grateful if you need them!

  • No matter how rough you’re feeling, you can always rely on some glitter to keep you looking festival ready - just remember to bring the biodegradable kind (which you can always buy on site!)

To drink…

Unlike other festivals Glastonbury doesn’t have separate camping areas - so you can take any food and drink you like anywhere on site (hooray!).

  • Leave the mixers at home! - They’re heavy to carry and take up space in your bag. There’s a co-op on site which, although doesn’t sell alcohol, is the perfect stop for all your soft drink needs. If you do bring your own maybe consider something like those little concentrated dilute pods - water is widely available on site (and who doesn’t love a bit of disco juice?!) 

  • Remember to stay hydrated! A large capacity folding/collapsable water container is great for any camp to keep you from running back and forth to queue up at the water taps. (plus points for the extra brave who use these as ad-hoc solar showers)

  • NO GLASS!! Remember to decant any glass bottles or you’ll be left downing your gin at the gates.

  • Keep in mind your drinks aren’t gonna stay cool the whole weekend - so really think if that warm cider is gonna be worth it when up against the draw of the infamous Somerset Cider Bus...

To eat…

There are tonnes of great food options for a wide range of budgets on site, but it’s always best to have some snacks to keep you going! (Maybe even pop a multivitamin in there, treat yourself!)

  • Breakfast or protein bars are always a great option for a festival, but remember anything covered in chocolate or yogurt is likely to melt and cause a mess.

  • Nuts/ Crisps or anything that’s not gonna melt or attract bugs is best….

  • For those prepared enough to bring a camping stove, you can’t go wrong with some porridge pots and an emergency pot noodle. (a true festival delicacy) 

  • And remember if funds are low and you’re in need of some food to revive you, you can always head to the Hare Krishna tent for some free grub

To keep clean…

From the rain and mud to the sweat and dust there’s no getting away from the fact that you’re gonna smell. Showers can be hard to come by on site (and back in 2019 they had to stop them all together to reserve water!). So here’s some bits to bring which may help…

  • Dry Shampoo was sent from the heavens above for all festival goers. (If you struggle with a white cast try spraying it on before bed!).  Alternatively - give a no rinse shampoo hair cap a try! (And if all else fails stick a cap on!) 

  • Hand sanitiser - remember that stuff we all religiously applied over the past couple of years? Bring it x

  • An S hook is great to hang on the back of a door, so your bag isn’t touching the floor of the toilets… (can also be used to hang things up in your tent!) 


  • Baby wipes are an essential. Trust me on this.

  • If you’re feeling fancy some exfoliating wipes always help when your face has been up against all the dirt and sweat - either buy some or pop some of your chemical exfoliant on some cotton rounds and put them in a baggy. Caroline Hirons would be proud.


To keep your valuables safe…

Like at any large event, there are likely to be thieves making the rounds. Sadly anyone can be targeted, but here are some tips to keep your things safe:

  • No one wants to be stood behind someone wearing a huge rucksack. A bumbag is your friend - use a carabena on the zip for added security!
  • When you’re in your tent try not to leave anything valuable near the entrance side. Zipping your tent up to the top rather than the bottom also makes it more difficult for thieves to access or try their luck running their hand along the inside.

  • Make use of the lock ups around the site. They’re free and can offer you some peace of mind that your valuables will be safe! Also means you won’t lose your car keys at the bottom of your rucksack… 

(Bonus tip: you can use the lockups to store some drinks at the other side of the site so you won’t have to return to your tent!

Other useful bits…

  • Bring suncream!! Unless you want to be scouring the healing fields for a sunburn cure all weekend it’s a definite necessity. 

  • A large capacity power bank is best to keep your phone alive and keep you in contact with your mates (signal can be patchy though - so maybe pick up some army tactics and let them know your message was sent at 1400hrs so they don’t arrive at the meet-up point 2 hours later when you’re long gone…) 

  • Insect repellent will keep the bugs at bay - no one wants to deal with bug bites! (and you already smell bad anyways) 

  • Some ear plugs will help you get a good night sleep no matter how loud your neighbouring campers are.

  • Flip flops are great to use at camp so you don’t have to get up and tie your shoelaces every time you need to join the queue for the toilets.

  • Bring some bin bags - always useful if your things get wet, and you’ll need them to clean up before you go - love the farm, leave no trace! 

With all that said, anything goes!! No matter how prepared or unprepared you think you are, I have no doubts there will be someone there who has packed a giant inflatable banana but not the poles to their tent. Anything essential will be available to buy on site, so don’t stress if you’ve forgotten anything (but maybe check those tent poles, just in case!) 

See you down on the farm - and for the love of god, remember your tickets!!

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Photo: Glastonbury