"If you could use make-up or your phone one last time, which one would you pick?" A question no male musician has ever had to answer, and a question Ariana Grande - understandably - did not take well in a recent interview.
"Is this what you think girls have trouble choosing between?" she asked the male hosts of US radio station Power 106. When they responded, "Yeah absolutely, are you kidding me?" she continued, "Is this men assuming that that's what girls would have to choose between?"
The video, posted online with the caption, "Ariana Grande, ending white cis-het male misogynists one at a time," has been viewed over a million times.
Watch Ariana Grande take issue with sexist interview questions below
Ariana Grande, ending white cis-het misogynists one at a time
Posted by Superficial on Sunday, 1 November 2015
Later in the interview, Grande points out the stupidity of thinking unicorn emojis are not suitable for men, before landing her final killer blow. "I have a long list of things I'd like to change," she said. "Judgment in general, and intolerance and meanness, double standards, misogyny, racism, all that shit. We'll start with you though."
Game, set and match.