Bubbles, a screenplay which documents Michael Jackson’s pet chimpanzee, has been listed by the Black List screenplay survey as the “most liked” unreleased screenplay.
The annual list ranks 81 of the best-unproduced screenplays, voted for by more than 250 executives. Bubbles, by Isaac Adamson, has topped the list, with 44 votes.
The unreleased screenplay is about Michael Jackson’s chimp, and his life with the pop star’s innermost circle, featuring the scandals that predated Jackson’s death. Bubbles narrates the film, so we’re hoping that Jackson had a good relationship with the chimp and didn’t beat it.
Though extremely unlikely, we’re keeping our fingers crossed for this release as the Black List has historically featured screenplays that later won awards. In fact, three of the last seven Academy Awards for Best Picture and eight of the last 16 screenwriting Oscars were originally featured on previous Blacklists.
Here is Black List’s full list of unreleased screenplays.
In other Michael Jackson film-related news, Sharad Chandra Patel is suing the Michael Jackson Estate for not allowing him to complete his son’s film.
Michael Jackson’s Thriller turned 33 years old last month. Check out our track rankings for the iconic album.