by Alexandra Pollard Staff | Photos by Press

B.o.B. thinks the earth is flat, releases conspiracy track

The rapper wants us to grow up and realise the truth


B.o.B. flat earth conspiracy theory new song Photo: Press

Sigh. B.o.B. is absolutely convinced the earth is flat, and that NASA are guarding the edge of the world, and he won't listen to reason. In fact, he's released an entire song dedicated to his theory.

The rapper seems to have watched a few conspiracy theory videos on YouTube, and is anxious to spread the word of this newfangled theory (actually, it's a very old theory, isn't it - an opinion we all had before we learned better).

There are far, far too many tweets for us to embed them all, because he's been spouting this stream of consciousness for a good few days now (I left his account open in another tab as I wrote this, and seven more tweets appeared), but here's a few selected highlights.

Now, he's released a new flat earth conspiracy track, 'Flatline', in which he seems to compare himself and his cause to Malcolm X. He also raps, "I see only good things on the horizon / That's probably why the horizon is always rising / Indoctrinated in a cult called science." He also, inexplicably, asserts, "Stalin was way worse than Hitler."

Twitter isn't sure how to react.

Well, this publicity has certainly worked out well for B.o.B.'s flailing career, that's for sure.

Below: The strangest music conspiracy theories

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