by Andrew Trendell Staff | Photos by wenn

Tags: Deadmau5, Kanye West 

The Deadmau5 vs Kanye West Pirate Bay Twitter feud grows more ridiculous

'My daughter loves Minnie Mouse' vs 'you need a 4th grade education'


Deadmau5 vs Kanye West Twitter feud crazy, Real Friends, Mickey Mouse Photo: wenn

The Kanye West vs Deadmau5 Twitter row over Yeezy's alleged illegel use of Pirate Bay grows more and more ridiculous, with the pair continuing the come to blows. 

The feud began when West Tweeted an image that showed him using using torrent site Pirate Bay, before fellow TIDAL partner Deadmau5 called him out for illegally downloading software that he owned - slamming him as a 'dick'.

A West spokesman has since told Pitchfork that West's original Tweet was from someone else's laptop, and was intended as a joke in light of people pirating West's The Life Of Pablo. Still, that hasn't subsided the bickering, with West responding to Deadmau5 in kind - mocking his giant mouse head:

Deadmau5 however, gave as good as he got:

More as this important story develops...

Below: Kanye West's greatest and most ridiculous quotes

Andrew Trendell

Staff Editor

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