by Alexandra Pollard Contributor | Photos by Press

Family of DJ Derek start legal proceedings to have him presumed dead

The much-loved Bristol DJ has been missing since July


DJ Derek missing, family start legal proceedings to be presumed dead Photo: Press

The family of DJ Derek have started legal proceedings to have him presumed dead, seven months after he went missing.

The 73 year old, whose full name is Derek Serpell-Morris and who's often referred to as 'Britain's oldest DJ', went missing back in July.

At the time, his niece Jennifer wrote on his Facebook page, "Has anyone seen Derek in the last three weeks? This is urgent please let us now. Police are now informed and he is being treated as a missing person."

Seven months on, and DJ Derek has still not been found. His pension is still been paid into his account, and rent and bills are still being taken out of his account.

His brother Gerald told the Bristol Post that the family was making an application under the Presumption Of Death Act, which would give the family power of attorney over his bank accounts.

Derek was last seen on CCTV leaving the Commercial Rooms in Bristol in the early hour of 11 July, and his bus pass was used later that day. "All we can hope for," said Gerald, "is that whatever end he has come to, it was not a nasty one."

Alexandra Pollard


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