Meet Ty Jones, a guy who looks so much like Ed Sheeran that it’s ruining his relationships. Or something.
According to Jones, his uncanny resemblance to Sheeran has “made my relationships worse I’d say because now I have to weigh up if they like me for me or are they’re just interested in me because I’m the next best thing to Ed if they really like him.”
He continued, “When girls ask me for pictures in the streets it’s annoyed some of my girlfriends in the past and caused problems. It’s hard to explain because it’s not like I can help it and I don’t like being horrible to people and deny them a picture if they want one.”
Given that Ty’s Instagram username has the name Ed in it, he attends galas and events for lookalikes, crops photos of himself and Ed alongside each other, and goes busking with a three-quarter size guitar wearing Sheeran’s clothes, one can’t help but suspect he might not hate it completely.
This is TY JONES from the UK who looks EXACTLY like @edsheeran!
— HIT 30 (@TheHit30) June 3, 2016
Apparently he can't keep a GF coz they get jealous! pic.twitter.com/XlEzBxNhNY