Pairing elegance and erraticism
Al Mills
14:00 26th September 2019

London is full of Queens Head’s. Down each and every drizzled corner and crawling alleyway there’s countless of said fixtures yet none are as looming as the titular inspired, city-based and ‘broken-ness theatrics’ band formed of joint frontmen Joel Douglas and Tom Butler. As they release their first video as a collective body of high energy genre twisting, thing’s take a turn for the sympathetic anarchist.

‘Rudetoy’ captures the worst kind of technology, the sort that creeps into your stared soul and mangles your scrollingly chewed wires with tamperings of continuous streamed screams. Leeching on to all of the hall-of-mirror illusions we have of our own threatened digital ego and how that manifests within today’s daily grinded online utopia; direct eye contact, kaleidoscopic stimulation and exposed beauty are all discharged in one gestured freak-out topped in a flat cap for added class. 

Startlingly, the group manage to create a new born bambi level of cautiousness between elegance and erraticism before spilling boiling water over the system and sparking a total display of disorder. The Rocky Horror Picture Show meets clowned confidence all set in a Hackney Wick style basement of Tivoli and yet somehow the entire process is underlyingly curative.

In their own words: “we’re a band which started in reaction to an extremely frightening, confusing time to be alive.” 

Photo: Press