The news follows the announcement of new EP Happy Days!
Lewis Budd
12:59 22nd June 2020

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Danceable and leaving a wanting for something more, the new single from The Ninth Wave, ‘I’m Only Going To Hurt You’, is a welcome entry into the band’s progressive take on gothic post-punk. Pulsating with an electro background, the band revel in harsh noise and dream pop soundscapes, provoked by inspirations centred around everyday life. The song, is in essence, a track about a relationship damaged before it can even begin. 

Lead singer Haydn details the track: “‘I’m Only Going To Hurt You’, the second single from upcoming Happy Days! EP, is a song that has existed in so many forms that it is hard to recognise the original demo and the final recording as the same song.” Tune in:

“It started out life in the form of a poem, ‘My Severed Heart’, from which the pre-chorus and chorus lyrics were taken. Since then it’s been dragged through different arrangements, keys and styles until we almost decided to scrap it. It wasn’t until Calum, Kyalo and Millie reimagined the backbone of the song that things fell into place. The main rhythmic elements of this song were made on Millie’s Elektron Digitakt, using field recordings of scrap bits of metal that surrounded the studio.”

The Happy Days! EP arrives on 31 July via Distiller Records.

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Photo: Nuala Swan