An ode to David Attenborough
Matty Pywell
14:24 24th July 2020

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Self-produced indie excellence abounds on the newest Hot Dreams single 'Changing of the Pines'. It's the latest from a four-piece on the up - and no doubt they'll go even higher after this one seeing as it's an ode to David Attenborough.

With an open-mouth gaze, the song looks out into the wild. The instrumentals feel as though they have a natural breeze flowing through them; trying to comprehend the best it can the landscapes which make our planet so beautiful. Singer Kai Fennel’s vocals echo and reverberate around this open space, backed by hushed harmonies from his bandmates.

It would make Mr. Attenborough proud:

It’s no surprise that this song was created during a writing week in the Scottish Highlands. Talking about the new single the band said, “’Changing of the Pines’ is a song that ogles open-mouthed at the beauty of nature and tries to convey the freedom to be found in realising our lives are the smallest dot on a vast tapestry.

We make the most of what small time we have, get things wrong, be nice to people, and pay it forward when we become worm food.”

It follows May's 'Raincoat', a song we premiered and noted sounds as if it's "slipping ever-upwards in a shower of stars." 

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Photo: Alana Jeffery