A fourth slice of What I Never Told You
Jessie Atkinson
15:23 29th July 2020

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Odina continues to tease her debut album What I Never Told You today with new single 'Many Things.' It's the fourth slice of the August LP and another breathtaking example of this alt-popstar's simmering, powerful ballads.

'Many Things' glides like a phantom on the back of Odina's angry howl - halfway between Alexandra Savior and a ghost of the Wild West. Guitars chime and synths blow cooly through the whole affair, tracking Odina's helpless journey from whisper to near-shriek.

The song is at the heart of the forthcoming debut: an echoing confessional among more to come.

Previous releases 'Heartache' - a "bittersweet folk-adjacent pop song" - as well as 'Please' and '1,2,3,4' - "Nancy Sinatra in full stalker mode" - will appear on next month's album.
What I Never Told You Tracklist:
1. To The Ground
2. 1,2,3,4            
3. Hey, Hey
4. Take Care Of My Heart
5. Many Things
6. Please
7. Maybe
8. Old
9. Primrose Hill
10. Friend (Goodbye)
11. Wake Me Up
12. Heartache
What I Never Told You arrives 21 August.

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Photo: Press