'It's uncomfortable questions for uncomfortable men'
Jessie Atkinson
17:24 18th November 2020

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Mystic Peach have burst out of nowhere to impressive heights today with a return single titled 'Wanna Be My Daddy?' Haunted and personal, it's a striking return for the trio: their first single of the year.

Chiming guitars with the echoing coven sounds of The Wytches, 'Wanna Be My Daddy?' moves through whispered sarcasm to furious screeches as the band reckon with the prejudice levelled at them by homophobic small town minds.

“'Wanna Be My Daddy?' is a story of experience about how the comfort in your own sexuality can be threatening to certain people," vocalist Curtis Gale explained. "Small town mentality, prying eyes and assumptions giving rise to the purest form of irony. The questions, the staring and unsubstantiated accusations can go unnoticed even in your busy life. But when people go out of their way to make sure you know, what are you meant to do?"

"Long story short, it's uncomfortable questions for uncomfortable men."

Mystic Peach have played at The Great Escape and New York's New Colossus Festival, plus have played alongside Temples, Snapped Ankles and more. 

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Photo: Press