The acclaimed singer is back with new music and a strong 80s aesthetic
Vicky Greer
10:27 17th March 2021

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Today, Laura Mvula announces her brand new album Pink Noise, set for release on 2 July via Atlantic Records. In her new music, she has taken particular inspiration from the joy and excitement of 80s pop and put her own spin on it. ‘Church Girl’ is laden with synth and bright guitars, carefully crafted over months in lockdown as she sought her own identity through music.

The lyrics are a real battle cry: “How can you dance with the devil on your back? / How can you move, caught up in a picture perfect that will never last”. She doesn’t hide behind her lyrics – ‘Church Girl’ is bold and confident. This track predicts that Pink Noise is going to be another revered album from Laura Mvula.

Speaking on the new song, Mvula said: “I am not my story. For so long I identified as the things that happen in my life, the things I do, good or bad. I’m letting go of this mind-made ‘me’. I’m coming home to myself beyond the realm of form. I am not the thoughts in my head, or the things I achieve, or the shape of my haircut. I no longer ‘dance with the devil’ on my back. I’m basking in the light of knowing my true self, the deeper ‘I’.”

Pink Noise Tracklist:

1. Safe Passage
2. Conditional
3. Church Girl
4. Remedy
5. Magical
6. Pink Noise
7. Golden Ashes
8. What Matters
9. Got Me
10. Before The Dawn

Pink Noise arrives 2 July via Atlantic Records.

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Photo: Press