Bursting with energy
Vicky Greer
11:37 6th August 2021

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Dutch pop sensations 45ACIDBABIES are back today with another roaring, vibrant single in ‘Don’t 4get To Smile’. It follows on from their previously impressive tracks ‘Mommy’s Favourite 1’ and ‘Only Class6 From Now On’, proving themselves as an act to watch.

‘Don’t 4get To Smile’ gets off to a screeching start, a refreshingly vibrant wake-up call. Nothing about the song is holding back as 45ACIDBABIES turn up the volume and the intensity on this new track. There’s really nothing else like it, and it’s no wonder that 45ACIDBABIES are making a scene with their mixture of rock and pop’s most obscure elements.

Here's what they said about the song:

“Don’t 4get To Smile’ is a direct answer to our latest single ‘Only Class6 From Now On.’ While ‘Class6’ was written to emphasise the fake-it-till-you-make-it-principle, where you can create your own success, ‘Don’t 4get To Smile’ underlines the exact opposite view on things. We entered a Black Mirror kind of world, where happiness and validation can only be found on the Internet. Everyone shows their best side on social media, while in real life, no one is special and we’re all glued to our phone screens 24/7. ‘’We know something is grim about this way of living. We could do something about it, but we choose to be ignorant and go with the flow, cause we’re way too small to turn things around anyway. EVERYTHING IS FINE.”

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Photo: Press