Hip-Pop that lacks panache
Dale Maplethorpe
11:49 3rd February 2023

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DinoVert has been busy throughout the past year and it doesn’t look like he intends on slowing either. After a string of releases in 2022, he starts the new year with his brand-new single ‘See Right Through’. The song is upbeat and inoffensive but seems to lack in a number of different qualities, to the point that it doesn’t warrant much further listening.

It starts jumpy, the beat kicks off immediately making it seem like this is a part of something bigger and the transition will be fast. Whilst that will likely sound good when consumed as part of the bigger picture, listening to ‘See Right Through’ in solitude starts off quite rushed. The beat itself is fine. It’s steady and easy to nod to but there is nothing that immediately grabs you either.

There’s no doubt DinoVert has a good voice. As soon as he starts singing it is clear how well he can meet the tone of the track and perform in a way which is comforting to listen to. That being said, the fundamentals of a song like this lie in how catchy the vocal melody can be, and the sporadic nature of the way he switches up styles throughout the song mean this element is somewhat lacking. It’s hard identifying when you are in the pocket of a chorus, riding a verse or in between the two, meaning it’s tough to keep up with the song and know when you should be excited and when you should be calm.

The new single ‘See Right Through’ certainly isn’t bad. The production is fine, the beat is inoffensive and DinoVert’s vocals sound great. That being said, his influence is clear as he tries to break into the world of Hip-Pop. If he’s to be successful in doing this then future songs need to be more refined and easier to get on board with.

Listen to DinoVert’s newest single ‘See Right Through’ now


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Photo: Press